Apache uses a xxxxx.key and xxxx.crt pair for its ssl implementation. If you ever wanted to use this pair with a tomcat or other java applications you have to convert these files into a Java Key Store (JKS) file.

IF you are using GoDaddy’s Simple Control Panel and wish to use a Signed certificate instead of self-signed certificate that it uses by default. Here is a way to do it easily.

Find the config files for the turbopanel. Mine was located in

Find the location of the keystore file for the turbopanel. Mine was located at

first you have to convert PEM format key and certificate to a DER format using openssl
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in xxxxx.key -inform PEM -out key.der -outform DER
openssl x509 -in xxxx.crt -inform PEM -out cert.der -outform DER

Download java source file (ImportKey.java) or the complied file (ImportKey.class) created by Joachim Karrer, Jens Carlberg.

java ImportKey key.der cert.der alias

this will create a file named keystore.ImportKey on your home directory. with alias = alias and the password = import key.

You can use keytool to change password of this file if you like.

copy over the keystore.ImportKey appoprate folder.
cp ~/keystore.ImportKey /var/turbopanel/conf/ssl/keystore

then change the keypass to keypass=”importkey” in your server.xml file.

restart your turbopanel

on CentOs use

service turbopanel restart

And you are good to go.